Venkat Rajan

Venkat Rajan spent his childhood in Chennai and has now made Mumbai his home. He has travelled to over twenty five countries to conduct business in Information Technology, Energy, Research and Development, and mergers and acquisitions. He owns a management consulting company in Mumbai and also in Europe. He believes that human narratives should be told in the context of their complete environment. His personal preferences include the works of filmmakers, Satyajit Ray, Shyam Benegal, and Balu Mahendra. Venkat Rajan hopes that one day market forces will create a platform for all, including the uRead More...


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The Mud Elephant

Books by Venkat Rajan

Veeran, a ten-year-old boy, is caught in the vicious cycle of poverty and prejudice. He lives in Varambiam, an obscure village in southern Tamil Nadu, India, subjected to caste distinctions and tending to the everyday chores of the village Zamindar. The village chief however, has now lost all his wealth and faded into oblivion.

Bala, the ten-year-old grandson of the patriarch, visits the village house to escape the squalid ghetto and travails of daily l

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