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Rainbows in My Clouds

Author Name: Radhika Lee | Format: Paperback | Genre : Biographies & Autobiographies | Other Details

“Candid… reminiscent of the backwaters of Kerala –– placid and mirroring the verdure of nature and the blueness of the sky.”

––M. Mukundan, Award winning novelist, India

“Radhika Lee is an extraordinary woman whose story of thriving through adversity will inspire and move you.”

––Nigel Barlow, MA Oxon, Author and business speaker

“A life so rich, yet so marred by seemingly railroading circumstances. If you’ve ever been at the very bottom of the rock, this book is for you!”

Jackson Biko, Writer, journalist and blogger

"An engrossing tapestry of love, heartbreak, intrigue, fortitude and triumph... masterfully woven."

David Waweru, Author, entrepreneur & Chair, Kenya Publishers Association

“A story of resilience, persistence and overcoming insurmountable odds. Radhika Lee is the epitome of courageousness and consistency… and a never-say-die spirit. A riveting page-turner!

Jeff Koinange, Award-winning journalist and author, Through My African Eyes


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Radhika Lee

An educator by profession and involved in international education for almost 30 years, Radhika left Kerala, India, at a young age, to work as an English teacher in Kenya. She then went on to climb the ranks to become the Principal of international schools and continued in this position until she started her own school, Nairobi International School, in September 2008.

A great sports and art enthusiast, Radhika has contributed greatly to the secondary school sports in Kenya. She has also been responsible for the birth of many music and art festivals in Nairobi.

Radhika is a compassionate, caring and selfless educator who has touched many lives in Africa. She also founded CATSI, an initiative that has given hope to a number of poor cancer patients in Kenya.

A great lover of nature, Radhika’s passion for environment has propelled her to speak at many Environmental conferences.

A teacher turned entrepreneur who pioneered the establishment of the very first E school in East Africa, Radhika hopes her alumni, “The Gold Key Society” will impact the future generations by making a positive difference!



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