Ashish Saini

A 38-year-old Punjabi male who hails from a business family and is involved in business of shoe manufacturing. Why would he think of writing now? Why? Why's are most interesting, always, but not all why's can be answered like why would they make "ADIPURUSH" the way they did or why wouldn't "CONGRESS" choose another prime minister candidate or why would not America mind its own business. I think it comes from this habit of taking PUN's that I am writing this book as saying such things can hurt "FEELINGS" of people which are hurt quite easily, conveniently and frequently these days. So I thoughtRead More...



Books by Ashish Saini

A super star, no a super-duper star or should I say a super dapper star. Once a broken man, financially emotionally and a few bones physically with a heart (God knows if he has one) which he got broken trillionth zillionth time, to a writer, an entrepreneur, an actor but most importantly a media anchor and an icon to crores of population. He has seen life very closely. Not only his but of others too. He has knowledge about anything and everything to nothing. H

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